Wednesday, January 15, 2025

re USS Alabama near Mobile Alabama 

Around 12:30 On 1/15/25 I turned into the driveway as I did last time I was here I don't know a few years ago and I don't remember having to go through a checkpoint just to drive through the parking lot and take a few pictures. Maybe they changed something . now they charge you $5 if you just want to go into the parking lot. Apparently it's $18 to take a tour of the ship although the lady said it's $10. Maybe she doesn't even know the cost of the tickets. So I told the lady I was just going to turn around and she was so distrustful she stepped out the door of her little shack to watch me turn around - I think she even yelled at me. Not sure. You know I just drove across the United States from California continuing towards Washington DC for the inauguration, & I spent thousands of dollars on gas and everything else so far. I'm not here to try to rip you off for $5 dollars to sneak into the parking lot . This lady seemed racist even though I'm not black but I could imagine how she would treat a black person. I thought that old white Southern racism was finished. I guess not. Disappointed. I'm a good decent honest Christian ✝️person and patriot🇺🇲 .Where's that good old southern hospitality ⁉️ Please fire this lady 👎😡. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

SHAME & disgrace on the burger king manager 👎😡 at 700 W Cesar Estrada Chavez Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012 

700 W Cesar Estrada Chavez Ave, 
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Every year on Xmas Eve I go to the annual La Holiday show. In 2023 my car was not starting well so I temporarily parked at the BK lot because I was afraid if it wouldn't start in the parking structure at the Dorothy pavilion it would be more difficult for a tow truck to pull me to a mechanic. It was not busy at BK 🍔 on Xmas Eve. 

It wouldn't start upon return so I slept in the car and was still there on Xmas Day. I didn't think they'd even be open on Xmas Day but they were. Albeit not busy at all. My car was in the furthest spot from the door - not a desired spot.

 I could have called for a tow using my roadside service but I didn't know where to take it on Xmas Day. Literally no mechanic is open. I had decided to wait there all day. But lo & behold suddenly a tow truck arrived. They claimed the manager had called. 

I went inside to verify & by the time I came back out they had put it partially on the tow bars. I demanded him to put it back down so I could at least try to start it and if that didn't work I would roll it off the lot. 

Miraculously it started ! An Xmas miracle 🙏☝️. Praise the Lord . I was able to drive to a mechanic I knew a my and they took care of it the next day. Needless to say it was totally despicable thing to do on Xmas Day . SHAME & disgrace on this manager 👎😡 

Imprec & Bind 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Imprec Bind x3

Imprec- Bind bad supercilious onital👎 at OLA parking.
Until he repents. Then he is loosed. We pray for a change of heart ❤️ 🙏 - a new creation in Christ ✝️ 12/24/24

Imprec- Bind bad supercilious sonitals👎 at X eve LA Holiday show .
Until they repents. Then they are loosed. 
We pray for a change of heart ❤️ 🙏 - a new creation in Christ ✝️ 12/24/24

Imprec Bind bad BK repus👎 across from OLA one year ago 12/25/23
Until he repents. Then he is loosed. We pray for a change of heart ❤️ 🙏 - a new creation in Christ ✝️ 

Imprec & bind bad sonitals at LA X eve SHOW 12/224 👎🎄

Until they repent 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Disgraceful👎😡 Imprecatory. Bind, not loose "Vicious DC Judge Dabney Friedrich Ruins Christmas for J6 Family - Sends Daughters Out of Room .. 

Disgraceful. Imprecatory. Bind, not loose "Vicious DC Judge Dabney Friedrich Ruins Christmas for J6 Family - Sends Daughters Out of Room Before She Adds MORE MONTHS on Guy Reffitt's Time Served Rather Than Releasing Him Outright - Because of Her Ingrained Hatred of the American People - Updated |"

Monday, December 2, 2024

Loose & Bind ✝️🙏

I bind the bad axis. I bind sissy. I bind A-sib. I bind Engelbert. I bind Boko. I bind nek Atherton. I bind leets . I bind sissy. I bind gnojed. I bind y-rag ? I bind nairb & . I bind the edud at eng  teuqnab . Unless they sincerely repent of course. Then they are loosed. 

"What Does ‘Binding & Loosing’ Mean in Matthew 16:19? "

Imprecatory 🙏 re Kim Jong Un 👎 "Photos offer a glimpse of what life is like in notoriously isolated North Korea" 

"The country is home to about 26 million people. Kim Jong Un, the current Great Leader, has near-total control of the country and leads a repressive regime that is willing to do away with political dissidents..."

We DEMAND that Kim Jong-un set his people FREE. They are NOT SLAVES.
 They are God's children. 🙏✝️

Thursday, October 31, 2024

"Radical Abortion Activist Destroys Pro-Life Signs Opposing Florida's Amendment 4 "- 

"In the lead-up to election day, Created Equal has joined other national groups in Orlando, FL to conduct public outreach in downtown squares, on university campuses, overpasses, and door-to-door to help defeat Florida's pro-abortion Amendment 4.

On Friday, October 25, between 10 am and 12 PM, our outreach team lawfully displayed "VOTE NO ON AMENDMENT 4" banners on the Cady Way Bridge in Winter Park, FL. However, soon after the signs were erected an Amendment 4 supporter destroyed the display – 
not once but twice.."

Sunday, October 27, 2024

review of Hyatt Place Fremont/Silicon Valley: SHAME ON LATINO (alleged) EMPLOYEE

i was totally lost because my phone was malfunctioning and I was in a part of the Bay area i was not familiar with. Pulled in late,  Looked full. lots of cars in the lot. Still not exactly sure where I was but knew the freeway was nearby and I was going south. Decided to take a nap in my car  instead of getting a room. About 2 am "knock knock" - scared me. Somebody outside ! could be a bad guy, or could be somebody who cared. Turned out to allegedly be a hotel employee (even though he didn't identify himself as such , nor have a uniform) and he told me I had "5 minutes" to get out of the parking lot, adding "You can't do that here" . Do what ? Take a nap because I'm tired, and lost ? There's still empty spaces in the lot. I'm not blocking anybody out.  Not likely more are coming at this time either.

 He DIDN'T seem to care about my welfare, not even "Is everything ok sir? " This could be any of you who are traveling; and wouldn't you hope for a person from the hotel who CARED ABOUT YOUR WELFARE ? I had already said "Yes sir" to the Latino fellow who was holding a cup in his hand, drinking a beverage of some sort. Did he really work here ? Or was he just harrassing me? 

And I was already starting the engine to leave. I didn't even dare ask him for directions he was SO MEAN. Is this the kind of person Hyatt wants working for them ? Shame on you. Kindly ask me to leave and then watch me leave. Don't yell and preach at me. Shame on you. Let's try to make this world a better place for everybody, not worse. Shame on you. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Check out this review of AutoZone, 2720 Florin Rd, Sacramento, CA 95822 

10.22.24, 11am (PST): The BLACK GUY working here simply LIES when you ask to do a CEL scan (check engine light) and says " IT'S BROKEN" . Will report it to corporate HQ . Shame on you 👎😡
Imprecatory prayer 🙏

SHAME on CITY of STOCKTON 👎😡"'Tragic day': Fire chief gets fired for attending Christian event, now Supreme Court asked to get involved" 

SHAME on CITY of STOCKTON 👎😡" The institute explained that Stockton officials fired Hittle after 24 years of service "because he attended a leadership conference hosted at a church. Although the city requested Chief Hittle attend a leadership training course of his choice, it later opened an investigation after he attended Willow Creek Church's Global Leadership Summit, a world-class conference with speakers from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds."

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

filed a complaint with the California Civil Rights Dept "Check out this review of Mountain View Auto Repair Inc " 

I have filed a complaint with the California Civil Rights Department against this business for refusing to help me because because they judge me or misjudged me as poor white or gay ( even though I'm not ) or something else related to skin color or ethnicity . And yes I can pay all my bills . But I don't live my life trying to flash my money with a fancy car and stuff like that. 
Wǒ yǐ xiàng jiāzhōu mínquán bùmén tóusù gāi gōngsī jùjué bāngzhù wǒ, yīnwèi tāmen pànduàn huò wùpàn wǒ wèi pínqióng de báirén huò tóngxìngliàn (jíshǐ wǒ bùshì) huò qítā yǔ fūsè huò zhǒngzú yǒuguān de dōngxī. Shì de, wǒ kěyǐ zhīfù suǒyǒu zhàng dān. Dàn wǒ de shēnghuó bìng bùshì shìtú yòng yī liàng háohuá qìchē zhī lèi de dōngxī lái xuànyào wǒ de qián.

Monday, September 30, 2024

re O'Reilly Auto Parts at 170 E El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040 

This is the ABSOLUTE WORST O'Reilly's 😡👎😡👎😡I have ever been to in my ENTIRE LIFE and I travel all around the United States always using O'Reilly's for quick fixes when I need them.  

But I will do anything to AVOID going to this place again. All the workers as far as I can tell are Mexican Latinos with attitudes (They used to have a nice African -American employee. I don't know what happened to him) . 

They don't even give you the normal platitudes like "Hello Can I Help You?" Nor even say thank you after spending a couple hundred dollars. 

 And they call the white males "boss" which is a snarky sarcastic thing ( & which I despise being called). I don't know how they stay in business except that people in this area don't seem to expect good customer service. 

 If they treated people like this in some other places they would be OUT OF BUSINESS YESTERDAY. It's so bad . I hope the headquarters or regional management does something about this place or even shut it down. 

SHAME ON Bowen Shih owner of Mountain View Auto Repair 👎😡- Google Search 

I found at least one court case against him which is NOT a good sign.  maybe there's more I don't know. 

845 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040 

I had been here once before and they changed a starter switch for me. NO problem. Decent price. So recently I was having some new issues and decided to try them again. I called and told them I might be getting towed in and they said they would plan on it. My car was intermittently stalling, and so I had called for a tow truck. But the tow truck took so long to arrive I finally tried starting my car again and it started.

 So I managed to make it a half-mile to Mountain View Auto Repair. Upon arrival I waved to the mechanic and he came to my window. That was a mistake on my part. He first noticed the crack on my windshield (which I plan to replace in December). THen he peeked inside my window as I was describing to him my issues, and he saw lots of "stuff" . Yes, I have lots of stuff in my car.

 It's not a fancy Tesla. It's not perfect, but it's actually in pretty good condition and I have been doing a lot of upkeep on it ($1000's 💰 : recently replaced shocks, struts, sway bar links; last year replaced the rack & pinion; also mass air flow sensor; starter; front hub bearings; brake pads ; and the list goes on). But this Asian guy had already made a negative judgment about me. (despite already over the phone he said he could do a diagnosis and that it would cost $120 . 
I said no problem).

 I may not look wealthy but I have enough to cover ALL my bills and any emergency repairs, etc ). At the end of re-explaining my issues (I pulled the ECU fuse last week to reset the CEL to get it ready for smog and this actually caused some new problems. I thought it was going through the re-learning process but it was taking too long; and now stalling; even though it was running perfect before I pulled the fuse). 

Anyways, it was become increasingly clear that he was NOT really listening. I finally said "Is this something you can do?" He responded with condescension and arrogance "Yes, it is but not with this car" . What ? "Not with this car" . This is not a foreign-only shop. He's worked on it before. I have money to pay. IT was clearly PLAIN OLD-FASHIONED PREJUDICE combined with Asian supremacy (this is an Asian-American shop). He wasn't even hiding it. He was plainly telling me he wouldn't help me, just because of some sort of negative judgment he had made in his mind about me. 

The only problem is that it is ILLEGAL to refuse to do business with a person based on skin color among other things. "The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race." 

IT's infuriating when we get treated negatively by people of so-called "minority" race after all we have done to try to welcome ethnic people. And did I already say, ILLEGAL ? I will report this to the appropriate state and/or federal agency. SHAME ON YOU 😡👎

SHAME ON Campus MS "School district sued for firing worker who said U.S. is 'greatest country in the world'" 

(Cherry Creek District, Colorado)

"During the January 18, 2024 training, Hogarty reportedly responded to a question about his experience being a white U.S. citizen by saying he 'identifies as an American who believes the U.S. is the greatest country in the world,'" the lawsuit said..."

So the school's "equity" chief claimed, in a complaint to the principal, that the comment included "racist undertones."

Saturday, September 28, 2024

review of Mountain View Auto Repair

845 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040 

I had been here once before and they changed a starter switch for me. NO problem. Decent price. So recently I was having some new issues and decided to try them again. I called and told them I might be getting towed in and they said they would plan on it. My car was intermittently stalling, and so I had called for a tow truck. But the tow truck took so long to arrive I finally tried starting my car again and it started.

 So I managed to make it a half-mile to Mountain View Auto Repair. Upon arrival I waved to the mechanic and he came to my window. That was a mistake on my part. He first noticed the crack on my windshield (which I plan to replace in December). THen he peeked inside my window as I was describing to him my issues,  and he  saw lots of "stuff" . Yes, I have lots of stuff in my car.

 It's not a fancy Tesla. It's not perfect, but it's actually in pretty good condition and I have been doing a lot of upkeep on it (recently replaced shocks, struts, sway bar links; last year replaced the rack & pinion; also mass air flow sensor; starter; front hub bearings; and the list goes on). But this Asian guy had already made a negative judgment about me. (despite already over the phone he said he could do a diagnosis and that it would cost $120 . I said no problem).

 I may not look wealthy but I have enough to cover ALL my bills and any emergency repairs, etc ).  At the end of re-explaining my issues (I pulled the ECU fuse last week to reset the CEL to get it ready for smog and this actually caused some new problems. I thought it was going through the re-learning process but it was taking too long; and now stalling; even though it was running perfect before I pulled the fuse). 

Anyways,  it was become increasingly clear  that he was NOT really listening. I finally said "Is this something you can do?" He responded with condescension and arrogance "Yes, it is but not with this car" . What ? "Not with this car" . This is not a foreign-only shop. He's worked on it before. I have money to pay. IT was clearly PLAIN OLD-FASHIONED PREJUDICE combined with Asian supremacy (this is an Asian-American shop). He wasn't even hiding it. He was plainly telling me he wouldn't help me, just because of some sort of negative judgment he had made in his mind about me. 

The only problem is that it is ILLEGAL to refuse to do business with a person based on skin color among other things. "The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race." 

IT's infuriating when we get treated negatively by people of so-called "minority" race after all we have done to try to welcome ethnic people. And did I already say, Illegal ? I will report this to the appropriate state and/or federal agency. Shame on you 

correction Re: Review of O'Reilly's at 813 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

this is a mostly male Latino operated franchise, and they are definitely NOT the most helpful boss dudes. I hadn't been here for a few years; then I was in the area & needed a few things quickly. First time in I bought the stuff I needed, no problem. The Latino clerk with long hair didn't say thanks or anything, but at least he did his job.

So I went out to my car and fixed a few things; then I wanted to do a CEL scan (Check Engine Light) so I went back in. THere was one guy behind the counter. Sometimes waiting can take a long time. I noticed another Latino employee in an aisle and asked him if he could get the Scanner for me.

 He refused and said "He can help you" (pointing to the guy behind the counter). So I waited, and finally got up to the counter and politely asked the fellow for the scanner. He responded "I'll be out there in a minute" . He'll be out there ? I can do it myself. I had my driver's license in hand as well in case he wanted it (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; it's never predictable).

But I said okay and told him where I was parked. I thought he was being sincere & legitimate, and would come out in a few minutes. I waited, and waited, still waiting. He never came out. It wasn't accidental.

I have never done anything bad here. It was pure prejudice as best as I can tell. I'm sorry I can't change my skin color . THe only problem is that it is actually ILLEGAL to refuse service based on skin color.

"The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race."

This place needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. The only problem is that they probably have no choice other than to take what they can get. Nonetheless, I will file a complaint and hope for some changes.


Review of O'Reilly's at 813 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 94087

this is a mostly male Latino operated franchise, and they are definitely NOT the most helpful boss dudes. I hadn't been here for a few years; then I was in the area & needed a few things quickly. First time in I bought the stuff I needed, no problem. The Latino clerk with long hair didn't say thanks or anything, but at least he did his job.

 So I went out to my car and fixed a few things; then I wanted to do a CEL scan (Check Engine Light) so I went back in. THere was one guy behind the counter. Sometimes waiting can take a long time. I noticed another Latino employee in an aisle and asked him if he could get the Scanner for me. He refused and said "He can help you" (pointing to the guy behind the counter). 

So I waited, and finally got up to the counter and politely asked the fellow for the scanner. He responded "I'll be out there in a minute" . He'll be out there ? I can do it myself. I had my driver's license in hand as well in case he wanted it (sometimes they do, sometimes they don't; it's never predictable). 

But I said okay and told him where I was parked. I thought he was being left, and would come out in a few minutes. I waited, and waited, still waiting. He never came out. It wasn't accidental.

I have never done anything bad here. It was pure prejudice as best as I can tell. I'm sorry I can't change my skin color . THe only problem is that it is actually ILLEGAL to refuse service based on skin color. "The Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that no business (public or private) serving the public can discriminate based on a customer's national origin, sex, religion, color or race." 

This place needs a MAJOR SHAKEUP. The only problem is that they probably have no choice other than to take what they can get. Nonetheless, I will file a complaint and hope for some changes. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Re St Ignatius San Francisco 

I came in for daily Mass recently & also used the restroom. Upon entering the restroom suddenly a Latino person followed me in. It made me feel uncomfortable so I quickly returned to mass. Later I saw him using a key 🗝️ on a church door. Not surprising, He's an employee of some sort. We all know who's really in charge at almost everywhere in CA. 

Turns out he had presumably followed me into the restroom - treating me as a
 " suspicious person" ( ie he assumed wrongly I was just another homeless person trying to use the restroom. Fact is I grew up here but am now just visiting for a few days. Not homeless 🚫). 

But here's the thing: the next day I came back to daily Mass & the restroom was locked, so me & one other person couldn't use it, despite the sign saying "This area to remain open when..." mass is in session (inferred) . I suspect this same employee intentionally locked 🔒 the restroom because of me. Shame on you.

 Church administration please take notice of this. DON'T allow the church maintenance workers to LOCK US OUT 🚫👎

Friday, September 13, 2024

'Serial lies and distortions': ABC Network stung for letting KAMALA HARRIS get away with LYING" 

Seems to me there should be a THREAT OF SEVERE FINES and other PAINFUL PUNISHMENT for the network who moderates the debate if ex post facto they are found to have allowed LIES to be DISSEMINATED during the debate and other irregularities. Otherwise, there's no disincentive given they are liberal lefties and want Trump to lose. They're getting a little bad press but that's about it.&only from the conservatives. As far as ABC is concerned they're happy with the outcome of the debate. They think of themselves as having done their job by helping Kamala. That's how lefties roll. 

: "'Disgraceful': ABC News repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting Kamala slide " & FALSE fact- checking 

"'Disgraceful': ABC News repeatedly fact-checked Trump while letting Kamala slide " & FALSE fact- checking ... They didn't even get the fact - checks right. They compounded insult with injury and accused Trump of lying when he was actually being very honest and truthful. But not vice versa when Kamala was clearly lying. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

to SISTER & BROTHER warning them of a GRAVE SIN if they continue to treat me poorly

When I was younger  I wrote a letter to some family members  talking about what I thought was irresponsible behavior by the adults in my life when I was an adolescent. Yet some people misinterpreted it (or chose to misinterpret it) to be a confession of bad behavior on my part. The truth is that I was not responsible at such an age. It was the adults who were responsible, but failed me and others. Here is a poem about this time-of-life decades ago and my actual and factual innocence. And why these family members are in fact in danger of a grave sin if they continue to treat me as a bad person because of this. I have moved on and forgiven & forgotten the deeds of these aforementioned persons; and my family members who call themselves "Christian" should also forgive and forget. Yet they do not seem to be in a true state of grace. I am concerned that their hearts are hardening. I hope and pray this will not become a permanent hardening all the way to their grave. Hear my prayer Lord. 

In youth's bright hours, where dreams unfold,
I penned a letter, brave and bold.
I spoke of shadows, cast too long,
Of adult missteps, so stark, so wrong.

Their actions flawed, their choices frail,
Left me adrift, alone to sail.
Yet as I wrote of their mistake,
My words were twisted, truth to break.

Some saw my plea as guilt confess'd,
A tale of fault, of wrong addressed.
But how could I, so young, so small,
Bear the weight of their grand fall?

It wasn't I who steered astray,
But hands of grown-ups, lost in fray.
Their guidance lacked, their path unclear,
Left me to navigate, in fear.

My letter, meant to shed the light,
On failings great, that felt so tight.
Yet misread hearts took it as blame,
A tarnished truth, a marred old name.

I sought to heal, to clear the haze,
To voice the pain, the broken days.
But tangled in the words I wrote,
They saw me as the troubled boat.

In youthful eyes, the adults' deeds,
Were shadows cast, like thorny weeds.
I wasn't wrong; I wasn't lost,
Their errors came at a great cost.

So let the truth now shine, reveal,
It was their actions, not my zeal.
In tender years, I bore no blame,
It's grown-up hands that marred the game.


To family who judge with a harsh, knowing scorn,  
Beware of the sins that your harshness adorn.  
For if you persist in your cruel, unfair stance,  
You risk grave missteps with each judgmental glance.

The past is a shadow that none can undo,  
Yet blame on a child is a grave sin to rue.  
Forgive and release, let compassion take hold,  
Or bear the stark weight of a judgment too bold.

For hearts that are hardened by anger and spite,  
Are blinded to justice, and stray from the light.  
Heed this gentle warning, lest guilt weigh you down,  
In the grace of forgiveness, let healing be found.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Imprec: Boko "Gunmen Attack School In Yobe, Kill Three Students –" Nigeria. 

"The school is reported to belong to the Islamic Movement in Nigeria(IMN), a Shiia sect in Nigeria.

The gunmen, who are suspected to be Boko Haram insurgents, ..."

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Imprecatory 🙏 "Taliban Blocks U.N. Human Rights Rapporteur from Entering Afghanistan - "

" 16 killed, 20 abducted in Congo in attacks blamed on IS-linked rebels | "

✝️💜🙏 "More Than 20 Killed in Deadly Bombings in Mogadishu, Afgooye"

"Six Women Detained or Imprisoned in Nicaragua's Crackdown on Christians -" International Christian Concern 

"During the last year, six Christian women have been imprisoned in Nicaragua for their religious activities. Among them are five Catholics, namely María Asunción Salgado, Evelyn Guillén, Adela Tercero, Gabriela Morales, Maricarmen Espinosa Segura, and one Protestant, Marisela de Fátima Mejía Ruiz. .."

: Uttar Pradesh India 👎😡 "Nearly 1,700 Arrested in 4 Years under UP’s Anti-Conversion Law - "

"China, North Korea Working Together to Persecute Christians - " 

"The government of China continues to cooperate with the North Korean government to repatriate North Korean refugees in China, including those who have engaged in religious activities or come in contact with Christian missionaries, despite the risk of torture or other severe punishments upon return," the statement read. ''

Monday, August 5, 2024

Watch "Y U will get a $75 parking ticket on Friday in Bellflower CA even tho it says "no parking Sat or Sun" on YouTube


Y U will get a $75 parking ticket on Friday in Bellflower CA even tho it says "no parking Sat or Sun

Why you will get a $75 parking ticket on Friday in Bellflower CA even tho it says "no parking Sat or Sun" . very deceptive ... I originally gave them the benefit of the doubt that this was just INEPTITUDE that they enacted two different no parking ordinances at different times and didn't bother to check the discrepancy between the signs and how it could be misleading to people who weren't from the area .( the locals of course figure it out pretty quickly because word of mouth and/ or they just always park in the parking lot). but I'm not really a local ( I just have relatives who live in the area) and I just drove up one day and turned around in the church parking lot to park on the street and of course I wouldn't see the "no parking on Friday" down at the other end of the street. I only saw the "no parking on Saturday or Sunday." but since it was a Friday no worries. 30 minutes later I come out of the church and I have a $75.00 parking ticket. and yes I appealed it. I took the time to do everything in writing and documented it with pictures & even made a video, a separate video from this one. and provided a link to the person who was reading my appeal. but it was quickly obvious that whoever was doing the appeal processing just rubber stamped it with a big NO. might as well be a big FU . Furthermore, the appeal doesn't even go to the city of bellflower. you you send it to an office in Tustin, which is a city in a different county from Los Angeles county. it's the neighboring Orange county. all the while you NEVER see any names of any judges or commissioners nor even the name of the person who wrote The ticket . it's all totally anonymous. so that there's no accountability. you also notice that they happen to drive by EXACTLY DURING MASS or right as its ending AS IF THEY WERE HOPING for some sucker to be parked on the street. 
 I wasn't waiting around to see this street cleaner with the parking ticket person behind them. my ticket was almost a year ago. I just happened to be back from Mass today and then I saw them as I was leaving around 830 and of course all the memories came flooding back into my mind.

I even sent a separate letter to the commissioners at bellflower. Therefore it can no longer be said this is ineptitude.. it's  DELIBERATE INDIFFERENCE at best, or intentional corruption at worst :
 a no-parking trap, similar to setting up a speed radar at the bottom of a hill. 

 I pray an imprecatory prayer against these people in bellflower who are committing this parking corruption. let God do the Justice in the end. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Re the Ruination of Corona del Mar State Beach by a certain ethnic group 

I won't say any names, but there's a certain ethnicity that comes here in huge numbers and they do NOT have a lot of respect for other people. Their sole focus is on their OWN unit (ie family, familia) & getting what's best for THEMSELVES. 

 More than once, I've put my towel down & gone for a 30-minute swim & I've returned to find this ethnicity has set up their camp almost TOUCHING my towel. In essence, they make it so uncomfortable for you to stay there, it is now THEIR Beach area. SHAME ON YOU. I ask for God to punish you if He agrees. 

All the while, they PRETEND like they're just fun- loving innocent little people who didn't even think about your towel being there. 

In essence, your ONLY options are to 
1) get angry and yell at them and then their whole family will start yelling back at you & they'll get others from their same ethnicity to join in with them against you; 2) or to LEAVE. 

Another time, two young males of this ethnicity walked past me and one of them intentionally BURPED very loudly right near my face. Without apology. 

My ethnicity, in general, on the other hand, values personal space & respects other people's personal space. When we arrive at the beach if we see a towel laying there we don't set up our towels right next to them. We find another space. And my ethnicity doesn't try to offend people by burping in their face. 

I want to encourage this ethnicity to try to be better and do better and show respect for people, before it's too late. I've always been one of those who has rooted for immigrants, & try to support those who come here from other countries trying to make it. 

 But you DON'T MAKE IT EASY if you don't respect the people who are already here. If you DESPISE us so much, you really should go back to where you came from. Apparently that would make you happier and probably us happier as well. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Re Newport Beach library, balboa branch 

An employee snapped at me because when I walked in I was literally ending a phone call ( ie saying bye). She heard me still talking around the corner but.i was talking to a fellow patron. The problem is that there are people of all sorts at the library (whichever location u choose) violating all kinds of rules, but the employees have been trained to ONLY enforce the rule if it's a WHITE MALE. That's a big problem 👎😡

Monday, July 15, 2024

re the Famous Big Texan restaurant, Amarillo TX 

So I was driving by to take a few pics of the exterior just as some white guy & his wife are walking towards the entrance. Apparently they find it odd or suspicious of me (also a white guy) to be taking pics of a famous restaurant. So the guy leaves his wife by the door & walks back to his shiny red chariot (pickup truck)( that he will be paying monthly payments on until 2030, because it makes him feel like a big man) and moves it 50 feet from a shady spot to a hot sunny spot right next to the entrance because me taking pics of the restaurant from my vehicle may indicate I am a potential car thief . 😁😆😅😂🤣🤣. You're bad for America dude 👎. You're an effin loser no matter how big and shiny your pick-up truck may be.

Monday, July 8, 2024

re Fed ex office in Roanoke VA 

Disappointing experience. I travel all over the USA and periodically pull in to FedEx office to do a special print job for the tracks that I hand out.  using the lightest card stock available. Just a tiny bit heavier than regular paper. And 99% of the time I never have any problems. But when I do, occasionally it gets jammed...... This place tried to tell me that card stock is not allowed on the self-service. If so why don't they post it as such. This place is trying to have it both ways. If it works for the customers they'll take the profits, but if it fails they won't give a refund. If they truly prohibit card stock on self-serve they need to post it as such. Not just make up a rule on the spot when they feel like it. Furthermore I've had other FedEx Office clerks use the fold-out trays for heavier card stock with no problem. But James I don't think James knows how to do it. So it gets jammed &  I asked for a partial refund because he put the trays back in and it printed the rest on white paper which I did NOT want. He should have stopped the printing but he allowed it to continue. So it was actually HIS mistake that caused me five prints that I did not want. So he says he has to call his manager. He went to the back for a few seconds I don't know if he called or couldn't get through to somebody then he comes back up to the front talks to the other lady and whispers to her what he wants her to back him up for. All of this is for a measly $1 refund. And they refused to do it. It's called spoilage, and they can write it off. So when they refuse to do it, it's because they're being A- holes where the capital A . So James just decided he wanted to be an A-hole towards me. SHAME on you james 😡👎. . But I forgive you . I come as a Christian evangelist and all I can do is forgive you no matter what. Whatever you're going through that makes you bitter to act that way towards me I forgive you and I pray for you. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO REPENT AND BE BAPTIZED AND I INVITE YOU TO ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR.  93 not only the only way to current inner peace but also long-term internal life salvation and eternal life. And whatever makes you hate me, I can't do anything about it in terms of changing because  I am who I am & that's a good person. I'm not perfect but doing my best and striving to be better everyday. So your hate towards me is something is a DEFECT in YOU. And another reason to accept Jesus Christ as Savior to grow in the faith. I could go on and on but I don't know if you will ever see this or read it or if you do whether you'll accept it or change so I can only pray that you will and I hope other people will see this and pray for James as well. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Idiotic so-called security guard in car at Weehawken Public Playground 

This was my first place to take a break after driving around Manhattan all day. I came through the tunnel and found a nice spot to park and look over at the skyline. But it was so hot middle of the day I had to crack my driver side door to keep the breeze coming through . there's only a little traffic coming through this loop so it didn't obstruct any drivers, but after a while some Mexican in a security car came by and started harassing me for having my door cracked open a little bit. Get an effin life chico 👎. All you have to do is drive around and stay out of people's business & pick up a check at the end of the week. Find a shady spot & play games on your phone all day if you want. Just don't start harassing people for stupid little things like having their door cracked open - not bothering anybody. That's how you can be a HERO. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Prayers for Xena near Augusta Maine 

This isn't really about Pizza Hut because they don't have any control over the issue I'm talking about:

 I accepted a delivery for a delivery service to take a pizza to a customer for $5.75 . I'm not even from this area so I was just visiting and as a delivery driver for this particular service, I'm able to accept delivery assignments wherever I am in the USA. Also it was pouring rain.

 So I pick up the pizza and then I find out the delivery address is 11 miles away so it will be a 22-mile round trip which is about a gallon of gas. Then, along the way I find out I have to pay a dollar toll.

 So now my profit is $4.75 minus $3.50 for a gallon of gas, equals $1.25, although I figure the customer will probably add a dollar or 2 tip. Upon arrival it's still pouring rain. The instructions are not perfect but luckily I find the right door on the first try in the apartment complex.

 The well-fed young lady comes to the door and I say to her "wow it was farther than I thought, plus I had to pay a toll." She grabs the pizza and says, "Have a good one" in a soulless monotone, & slams the door shut,  clearly not giving a damn about me as a person. Needless to say there was NO TIP. 

If you can't afford to give a delivery person a dollar tip (or are just too selfish) or at least show some sincere appreciation, you SHOULDN'T use delivery services. Just turn off the TV, get your lazy self up off the couch, and drive yourself to the restaurant or store. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

there's a special place in HELL for you. 

If you're a doordash customer, and you don't treat the delivery driver properly, there's a special place in HELL for you.AND  If you can't afford to give a tip, don't use doordash. Pick your lazy ass up and drive to the store restaurant yourself. AND STOP TREATING DELIVERY DRIVERS LIKE THEIR PIECES OF GARBAGE. You are the garbage if you can't treat people right. You can make this experience a win-win, and it's not just about giving big tips. It's simply about treating people nicely with affection as if they're a fellow human, not as if you're a f****** goddess and their your slave. 

6.29.24 Re bad doordash customer in Gardiner Maine

6.29.24 Re bad doordash customer in Gardiner Maine 

So I was on a summer trip and I was in the state of Maine all the way from the West Coast, and I turned on doordashers to see if I could do any deliveries. And almost immediately I got a delivery for a pizza.  Total pay would be $5.75.

IN California, doordash would automatically be required to subsidize this BASED ON TIME AND DISTANCE, but in most other states whatever the initial pay shown is the end price, unless the customer adds a tip. I thought maybe there would be a tip later.

 So I accepted the order, and drove a few miles to pick up the pizza at Pizza Hut. Then I noticed I would be driving 11 miles to deliver this pizza -so far no indication there would be a tip. The other thing doordash has nefariously done is they changed it so that when they give you an initial delivery offer,  they DON'T tell you the mileage as they used to do.

 Otherwise I suppose too many people are turning down these deliveries because frankly they are  just not profitable, or even possibly losing money. 

So I start driving and then I realize I have to pay a dollar toll along the way. So now my profit is $4.75. Which about covers 22 miles of gas. I arrive at the apartment and tell the lady named Xena "it was farther than I thought,  plus toll ." 

And she said without any feeling or true care or affection whatsoever " have a good one ". She didn't even say thanks. She was cold as ice 👎😡. I will not keep dashing for very long because customers are getting more and more callous. It's not just the low pay.  It's lack of humanity and the lack of treating people with dignity.

 I can get by without making a few bucks here and there from doordash. Sure I like to cut some of my cost by doing this but I also thought it might be enjoyable, but really it's not. 

Too many customers are treating the process as transactional and the delivery person is just a robot in their mind that should be getting the item from A to B is fast as possible and in most cases they don't even want to see you or talk to you let alone tip you but at least some people still feel an obligation to give a tip. 

I mean really if you can't afford to give a decent tip you shouldn't even be using delivery services. Just get your lazy butt up and drive to the store or  restaurant and pick it up yourself. 

6/29/24 Circle K Near Augusta Maine. Jerk clerk around 9pm with ugly nose ring 👎 

6/29/24 Circle K Near Augusta Maine. Jerk clerk around 9pm with ugly nose ring 👎

I stopped in here and picked up a drink and the guy had been working outside he came back in and he acts like a dick and he says " is there anything else".  obviously I only had one drink and put it up on the counter. he spoke with a tone like he was like Mr Superior. You're a freakin clerk man. And that's all you'll ever be if you've already dropped out of school.  You're not God Almighty .You're nothing special buddy.. you get treated how you treat others so that's the way I'm treating you in this review

6/29/24 Circle K Near Augusta Maine. Jerk clerk around 9pm with ugly nose ring 👎 

6/29/24 Circle K Nea kir Augusta Maine. Jerk clerk around 9pm with ugly nose ring 👎

I stopped in here and picked up a drink and the guy had been working outside he came back in and he acts like a dick and he says " is there anything else".  obviously I only had one drink and put it up on the counter. he spoke with a tone like he was like Mr Superior. You're a freakin clerk man. And that's all you'll ever be if you've already dropped out of school.  You're not God Almighty .You're nothing special buddy.. you get treated how you treat others so that's the way I'm treating you in this review

Friday, June 28, 2024

re Toledo Art Museum 

Nice art museum, except upon entry the African-American security guard growled at me twice " CAN I HELP YOU. CAN I HELP YOU". It was NOT in a nice tone. I finally said, "I'm going into the art museum like everybody else." I was also looking to refill my water bottle. Whatever the case may be if he wanted to help me he should say it in a nice tone, not a menacing mean tone. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

re BioLife: Layton Utah near Salt Lake City 

That was one of the worst experiences I've had at a BioLife in quite some time. First of all I got a bad jab. But not bad enough to abort the donation. Instead they adjusted the syringe 💉 but it was still less- than -perfect , so they slowed down the donation process & each pumping cycle took forever . And my arm was getting tired from squeezing.

 Also when I try to get the attention of first person who serviced me, she took the opportunity to talk condescendingly to me as if I was being demanding, telling me that she had other people she had to attend to as well. 

Yeah but I'm sitting there & the pump is not going and the little beeper is telling somebody to come over there and she's not coming until I wave my hand. 

How long does she want me to sit there and wait without the pump going? I mean really they're just taking advantage of me as the client, the patron, the customer. I did nothing wrong. I came on time: Staying healthy, eating well, & staying properly hydrated in order to be a good donor. 

All I asked is common respect and courtesy and the donation process. Don't make me sit and wait for a long extended period of time without making progress in my donation. And then treat me as if I'm being demanding for trying to get some attention to it. 

I know all of you people who work there make ample salaries or hourly wages. And it's not right for you to treat us as if we're just cattle to be milked so to speak. We are all human beings with different stories and different successes and hardships whatever the case may be. 

Some of us just do this to add a little pocket cash or to contribute to others or to buy something special for our kids on their birthdays and things like that. Others are even more needy and rely upon this has a way to pad their income for daily necessities. 

Fortunately, I myself am not down and out or desperate as they say. I can go on with or without making donations but BioLife itself as part of their ad campaign tells us that it's doing good for other people to donate plasma - some who can't live without it.

 I think some of these employees should be required to donate plasma periodically just to be reminded of what the process is like. It's not exactly pleasant sitting with a needle in your arm and you can't move your arm normally for an hour or in this case today I was there for almost 2 hours. 

By the time you're done you're not exactly feeling real happy. You just want to get out of there. It's tiring. And for a manipulative employee to jerk us around emotionally is completely unethical. 

cc: national headquarters 

Thursday, May 30, 2024

SHAME on U.N. 😡👎 "United Nations allegedly refused aid to Uyghur refugees

"One of the shocking aspects of these memos is that Thailand was apparently pressing UNHCR to get more involved, and UNHCR balked because they feared Beijing would get angry and reduce cooperation or donations to the agency," Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director for Human Rights Watch, told The New Humanitarian. " 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

re panda 🐼 express at Stanford University

 The problem here is that when I pick up orders for delivery 🚚 some of the girls behind the counter are so GROUCHY 😡😨. Not all, but too many. I always try to be polite and patient and respectful, but some NEVER say thanks or smile. It's depressing. 

I think there are some who believe that they don't need to be nice to me because I am " just a delivery person". Truth is I do deliveries occasionally, maybe make $ 25 to $50 per week. It helps cover a few bills during these tough times. 

I'm also a graduate with 3 degrees . I've worked various menial jobs in my life & also as a professional and also stayed in school. Never quit school. Never dropped out as tempting as it was to do so. 

I've always lived by the philosophy to treat everybody nicely.🙂 Always try to. What I don't understand is why a person working behind the counter would treat me less kindly because I'm "just a delivery person"; which makes me ask how they think they should be treated if they're just a counter girl ? 

They don't believe they should be treated kindly and respectfully because they just work behind a counter ? Or do they think they're better than me because they work behind the food counter and I'm a delivery person? I never knew a food worker was superior to a delivery person.

 Whoever is the manager there maybe you can talk to the girls ( i didn't see any guys) and let them know that they should simply be kind and nice and a little bit of a smile to EVERYBODY to make this whole world 🌍a better place👍.

 Rather than pick & choose who to "act nice to" and who to treat with a blank state and no niceties 👎😡

Monday, May 20, 2024

re Atherton Library, San Mateo county CA 

Usually nice environment to study ... I've noticed there's a few regular Indian patrons (from India, not native- Americans) who appear to be "high- caste" - which is not necessarily in accord with the  American way. This is not talked about very much, but the truth is that the India caste system is a supremacy system. 

In essence how well you will do in life is highly correlated with the family you are born into rather than your personal aptitude, dedication, hard work, and achievement based on what you've personally accomplished.

When they being this attitude to America, even if they mask it to a certain extent, it still becomes apparent at times. And when you do notice it because of some micro aggression etc, your eyes are suddenly wide open, and you can't unsee it. It is an EPIPHANY. 

The India caste system is un-American . We judge people on their merits, not what family they are born into ( although it does help to come from a "good family"  in terms of getting your ' foot in the door', so to speak; but after they first step we're all on the same playing field). 

But looking down on people with condescension as if you are inherently superior is despicable 👎. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

re Restrooms. 🚽👎😡 

Great for music but not for restrooms. With all the people coming on a regular basis, they need more or bigger ones. And it's probably a worse problem for men because there's always the random over-fed big belly schmuck who will literally sit on the can 🚽 shamelessly for 25 minutes or more . 

I don't like sitting next to others doing their business, so sometimes I'll wait for it to empty. This grubby scrub was still on the can after an entire first hall of a recital 🎵. 

Dudes, if you're one of these habitual toilet loungers, GET A LIFE. Do that at home, not in a public restroom 🚽😡👎👎👎 You Ladies are lucky. Most of you are too classy to act like these male grubbers 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

SHAME ON JURUPA USD "Christian ex-teacher scores big payday from California school district after refusing transgender directives |"

"...from the second that I was pulled into my first meeting with the district, I knew this was some serious spiritual warfare and just a battle on truth that we're seeing across the nation, especially in education and in and around children." 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Brightview Landscaping at downtown Palo Alto Library needs to be fired 😡👎 

What's the freaking deal with Brightview Landscaping😡⁉️👎 at downtown Palo Alto Library . I pulled in one morning around 10:00 a.m. and they're doing their omnipresent ubiquitous leaf blowing thing, as they always freakin do, and then the chubby girl blowing the leaves not only does she try to blow a patch of dirt, unnecessarily kicking up dust -you can't blow dirt off dirt unless you're trying to dig a hole or something. Some things you just can't blow. You need to get out a rake or something.Use your muscles if you have any.  

But the main freakin problem was that she was aiming everything towards my vehicle and I'm sitting in the vehicle with Windows partially open. And she doesn't even stop despite apparently knowing that I'm in the vehicle. And all the dust and debris going all over my vehicle.

 So I finally get out of my freakin car and I say what's going on ? STOP. And she tries to say in broken English " I'm blowing I'm blowing" like she's an innocent Little Red Riding Hood or something. I know you're blowing, but you need to stop if you're getting it all over my car or any other car and if my windows are open all the more so! She pretends or maybe she actually can't speak any English. 

Doesn't Brightview do any training I mean it's not like this is brain surgery or rocket science to blow leaves but you have to have a LITTLE COMMON SENSE () not to blow the debris onto vehicles and cover their vehicles with debris (& care , not apathy; or Worse -getting stoned & then blowing leaves). 

Furthermore they blow this stuff over to the side by the fence and then THEY DON'T EVEN THEY DON'T EVEN SWEEP it up. And they don't even pick up the paper and trash that's on the side. 

They're very LAZY- all they seem willing to do is leaf blowing. I don't think this girl even had the dexterity to to bend over. It's lazy work really it really is lazy work leaf blowing & combined with apathy it's just a terrible operation.

Brightview 👎😡 needs to be fired and they need to get somebody new a new operation at the library or the city if the city is the contractor. 

"Save the date: May 19 is the International Day for the Unreached -" Mission Network News

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse & more CORRUPT , even on New Year's Day , See

Pasadena is NOT improving, They are getting worse &
         more CORRUPT, 
                    even on               New Year's Day 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

This stupid little "clear bag policy " is becoming VERY ANNOYING at Stanford events 👎👎👎

The elderly white people in red working there are becoming like aggressive little mean police dogs 👎👎👎😡

review of Avery Aquatic Center on Google Maps 

Some of those people dressed in red who work there, especially the elderly white ones (which is most of them) can actually be overly pugnacious  even to the point of being wrong sometimes.

 I was already INSIDE the venue and sat on the east side originally. But there was too much sun. So after the first quarter I headed over towards the other side and I had my water bottle tucked into my waist belt as I usually do. (Yes, water bottles ARE allowed. Although they sometimes they ask for them to be empty,  and then refill them when you're inside. Other times they don't care so you never know. )

 And the red  lady thought it was suspicious. Even though I was already INSIDE the venue. She gave me a nasty look but didn't say anything so I just kept going. But she apparently signaled to the other person in red, an elderly white male with a white beard who always has a bemused look on his face, to track me down 

Suddenly he's asking me about my bottle which I pull out and show to him that's just water. There have been a little lemonade in there from previous drinks so it had mixed with the water that I had refilled and made it look a little cloudy. There was no alcohol in it. If you wanted to be sure he could have smelled it but he didn't. Nonetheless he asked me to empty it out and refill it over at the water station. No big deal except that I did like that lemon flavor. And it's just ridiculous how extreme they become and like they think they're so important. Sometimes it seems They think they're more important than the patrons apparently.

 I've never seen any really rowdy Stanford  spectators & even though this was a Cal versus Stanford game it was still pretty mellow. Maybe it makes them feel like they're actually relevant. And shame on Stanford for increasingly adding new little restrictions like the clear bag now. That's always the trend by bureaucracies to gradually increase little restrictions. Stanford is usually not like that but little by little they are becoming like that. Try to remember it's about the students. Without the students camo what do we have? 

And I'm not promoting myself as a student because I'm NOT a student. I'm almost a senior citizen. But I have a youthful look so some of these elderly people in red treat me like I'm a rebellious student or something. Where do these people in red come from anyways? Some of The elderly white ones sometimes seem a little bit like they're supremacists. 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

4.18.24 Ukraine Russia 🙏✝️, RABB

Clicker: 831

Target employees, redwood City 

Update: the Latino employee who I will call Eduardo at self-checkout was clearly racist against me (white) as he watched me intently, but as soon as I finished, he walked away from the self-checkout despite there being another customer not finished checking out. What race was this other customer? You guessed it: Latino
***Everything is pretty good here except the white guy who does the carts 🛒. 1st time I came there he stared me down as I drove into the parking lot. I dismissed it the first time. However, again today as soon as he saw me, it was as if he wanted me to see him around and about almost as if he had to show off . He walked past me going in. Then he walked past me in the shopping aisle 🛒. Then he reappeared as I was returning to my car with the groceries. It started to feel like harassment. I just want to shop peacefully and go home and target 🎯 is the best option when everything is working right. I hope management reads this and can do something about this cart guy. I have no idea what's going on. Now I'm thinking about shopping in the evening to avoid seeing this guy again. It shouldn't be this way.

Post from Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2)

How can they give such lengthy prison sentences plus a fine; and those are HUGE fines. That doesn't seem legal or constitutional either. And if you're in prison for as long as they're being sentenced to How do they maintain income? I don't suppose they're all independently wealthy. Unless they have a supportive family structure to return to, these guys are on the street when they come out. Worsening the homeless problem. 

"Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 (@julie_kelly2) posted at 6:25 AM on Wed, Apr 17, 2024:
Another Elizabeth Prelogar fact check.

Here is DOJ sentencing memo filed last week for 4 defendants who traveled together to DC for Jan 6. All were convicted by DC jury on 1512c2-related charges and other nonviolent offenses. No weapons, vandalism, or assault convictions. Two…

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Prayers4 🙏✝️ Foch Pensis Jr to AcceptChrist2bSaved2day: Repent & Be Baptized, Foch !

Prayers4 🙏✝️ Harrison Ford to AcceptChrist2bSaved2day: Repent & Be Baptized, Harrison !

That's a good start: 
"Ford doesn't claim Christianity as his personal faith but does continue to hold a reverence for God's creation, which is evident in CALL OF THE WILD.."
Keep going & growing, Harry ! 

Prayers4 🙏✝️ George Lucas to AcceptChrist2bSaved2day: Repent & Be Baptized, George !

Prayers4 🙏✝️ FFC to AcceptChrist2bSaved2day: "Francis Ford Coppola "

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Target , Mountain View, CA 

I don't mind being watched at self- checkout as long as they're watching everybody. Right when I began checking out, the Latino employee moved quickly to his post and watched . Then , as soon as I finished, the Latino employee watching me left his post even though there was still another person checking out. I'm white. The other person was Latino. You be the judge. Is this prejudice & preferential treatment? Harassment ?

 I'm almost 60 & been paying all my bills for all 60 years. Or since I was old enough to start paying my own bills. Prior to that, my parents paid all my bills and all their bills too. I also make donations, pay taxes, & worked as a civil servant for many years among other things.
-Born Here

Monday, April 1, 2024

Stanford's David Rumsey says he "doesn't believe in an afterlife ". How sad& tragic is that ?

Stanford's David Rumsey says he  "doesn't believe in an afterlife ". 
How sad & tragic is that ? 
Dave, I invite you to accept Jesus Christ as Savior. Repent & be baptized ✝️ before it's too late. Your final breath could be very soon . Find a Christian pastor to lead you in the way,
 the truth, & the life 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Lying "Dick Durbin Tells Whopper During Abortion Hearing After Cruz Call Out, Furiously Tries Spinning Out of It "

Newport Beach Public Library 

New construction project is making parking a hassle. Used to be plenty of spots in the structure now you have to go all the way to the top almost to get a spot during the busiest time of day. Meanwhile, the library itself seems to 
becoming a little more ghetto in nature. 

I used the sound Lab this morning & I was told that I had to leave because somebody else already had a reservation. Even though they were late for the reservation which is the only reason I could log into the computer in the sound Lab. They were more than 10 or 15 minutes late. 

But I didn't put up an argument I just said okay no problem. The guy who had the reservation came in wearing what looked like pajamas and they were halfway down his backside showing his underwear. 

You don't have to come down Newport Beach to prove you are ghetto. There's plenty of libraries all around OC  and LA counties where you can fit in much more comfortably than here. I mean I just don't get why people would take the long bus ride or however they get here just to  shove it in your face and say I'm ghetto.

 That seems to be their main point of coming here, just to be annoying. And I'm NOT talking about any particular skin color or race. I'm talking about attitude. Nobody cares about your skin color or race or socioeconomics as long as you're just a decent person. 

Anybody can buy decent- enough clothes that will be fine to come to the library. But when you intentionally lower your pants halfway down your back side, we know you're trying to insult Us & say
 "F you" to us. Why travel all this way just to say F You to us ? Are you really that angry ? Does this make you feel better? 
Been gone for a few months. Wandered down to computer lab around 6pm. Hoping for some new faces, rather than the same ol robots. Sat down for a few moments & in walks the bossy Asian lady who used to try to dim the lights, until I said NO 🚫. Groan. She's still coming here like she owns it. So I leave. Can't stand to be around her.
--I found a guy's wallet in the downstairs computer lab and saw the name inside, so I looked it up online and he turned out to be a UCI employee. I found an email to contact him & told him to come and get it or else I will bring it to the desk. He came within an hour to get his wallet but he Didn't Even Say Thanks or show any appreciation to me.
Even worse he treated me like I was the Bad Guy For Contacting Him to help him get his wallet back which included money in it. I wasn't expecting a reward but a Genuine Thanks would have been nice. GO FIGURE THAT. How many people would try to contact him to help him get it back?
It has a lot of nice features and generally nice atmosphere . However there are a few " obsessive compulsive" personalities at the public computers that always make it a little creepy . Two people in the downstairs lab (one female, the other male) are there SO OFTEN- esp the guy, you begin to feel like you are in their bedroom or living room. I just don't like being there anymore when they are there , which is almost always 👎.
Maybe they could have a time limit on the downstairs computers to help move some of these over-users on to living a life. Or at least go upstairs for a while. Take a walk. Call your family. Make a new friend.  See your therapist. Go to the beach ⛱️. Live a life . You CAN do it 👍

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

New Hampshire 👎 ''Government Launches Holy War on Pastor for Home-Churching | "

"A report from First Liberty Institute explains that a request has been filed for a preliminary injunction against officials in the town of Weare, accusing them of violating the law by requiring an "expensive and onerous site review plan" for the church to meet in the pastor's home..."