Sunday, October 27, 2024

review of Hyatt Place Fremont/Silicon Valley: SHAME ON LATINO (alleged) EMPLOYEE

i was totally lost because my phone was malfunctioning and I was in a part of the Bay area i was not familiar with. Pulled in late,  Looked full. lots of cars in the lot. Still not exactly sure where I was but knew the freeway was nearby and I was going south. Decided to take a nap in my car  instead of getting a room. About 2 am "knock knock" - scared me. Somebody outside ! could be a bad guy, or could be somebody who cared. Turned out to allegedly be a hotel employee (even though he didn't identify himself as such , nor have a uniform) and he told me I had "5 minutes" to get out of the parking lot, adding "You can't do that here" . Do what ? Take a nap because I'm tired, and lost ? There's still empty spaces in the lot. I'm not blocking anybody out.  Not likely more are coming at this time either.

 He DIDN'T seem to care about my welfare, not even "Is everything ok sir? " This could be any of you who are traveling; and wouldn't you hope for a person from the hotel who CARED ABOUT YOUR WELFARE ? I had already said "Yes sir" to the Latino fellow who was holding a cup in his hand, drinking a beverage of some sort. Did he really work here ? Or was he just harrassing me? 

And I was already starting the engine to leave. I didn't even dare ask him for directions he was SO MEAN. Is this the kind of person Hyatt wants working for them ? Shame on you. Kindly ask me to leave and then watch me leave. Don't yell and preach at me. Shame on you. Let's try to make this world a better place for everybody, not worse. Shame on you.