Sunday, December 3, 2023

Grace Presbyterian Church of Silicon Valley

ThIs church was very cool the first few times I came here, but recently I've noticed they're artificially r trying to create a more mixed racial atmosphere, with certain people who wouldn't naturally be attracted to this type of church. 

And then also they've added beefy security, including one who stands on the street corner at the end of the service and looks like a wannabe FBI agent, speaking secretively into a little microphone  (probably faking it) as if assessing any possible threats .

 They've definitely made some "adjustments" recently that will eventually make them JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE blah blah (if u know what I mean) instead of the special new congregation they started out as ... 

Nonetheless, I am praying and hoping for the best 🙏... maybe this will give them a heads up. I know the pressure is on, but Please DON'T ACQUIESCE to the pressure to become "politically correct " 🚫.