Thursday, May 26, 2022

WHY I HUNG UP & SLAMMED down the TELEPHONE on the SURVEY re Soy Infant Formula experiment of 1967 at Univ of Iowa of which I was an INVOLUNTARY Participant plus correspondence & Why I asked the State to Investigate Eckhard Ziegler & the program

WHY I HUNG UP & SLAMMED down the TELEPHONE on the SURVEY re Soy Infant Formula experiment of 1967 at Univ of Iowa of which I was an INVOLUNTARY Participant plus correspondence & Why I asked the State to Investigate Eckhard Ziegler & the program

am posting this because I felt like the Soy Infant Nutrition Program Experiment
at the University of Iowa, of which I was a part as a newborn infant in
1967-68, was a FIASCO -- as evidenced by the "survey' they did 23 years
later around 2000 when I was a young adult.


literally called me and others for some reason using the University of
Pennsylvania to conduct the suvey, and asked us various questions including,
and this is verbatim:


"How often did you masturbate
when you were twelve years old?"
, and then 'How often did you masturbate when you were
fourteen years old?"


 And a few other questions about masturbation,
to which, before HANGING UP on the bastard, I retorted, "How often did you JERK OFF, you
freakin Jerk Off!


then I added, "You're probably
jerkin off right now aren't you, you freakin creep".

 And tell the major
jerkoff himself, Dr. Ekhard Ziegler, the director of the so-called "Fomon
Infant Nutrition Unit" to take his jerkoff questions and go play with himself
somewhere else, you freakin creep.

could NOT believe they literally asked such questions. Unbelievable bloody
creepy punks.


 This guy who calls himself a doctor is nothin
more than a juvenile punk -- I can just imagine him giggling to himself there
in Iowa City Iowa-- thinking this is so funny. Him and those freaks who did the


I am posting this to let people know how creepy this program is, or was. I hope
they are NOT still experimenting on infants .


I encourage ALL mothers with newborn babies to use your breasts for what they were made for by our
Holy God
: breastfeed your child. BREAST
. Not soy formula nor other formulas.


 And beware of Ekhard Ziegler and the Fomon
Infant Nutrition Center at the University of Iowa. Unethical creeps.

And if Creepy Ziegler sees this don't you dare try to contact me and ask me to be "reasonable". You should have thought about "reasonable" before you did the totally unreasonable despicable disgusting creepy survey. 

 SHAME ON Eckhard Ziegler, Univ of Penn Surveyors, & Univ of Iowa Fomon Infant Nutrition Unit.